Monday, December 1, 2008
End of 2008. December is CRAZINESS.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Goodbye Class Tweeting, Hello Again Old Friend!
ROI...A concept I've heard many a time. Everyone always wants proof if their measures are actually working for some benefitt. People always need actual evidence, statistics, and research to back up why a particular means is the solution to the problem.
It's like that menality: What's in it for me?
I kind of hate that way of thinking and I'm sure everything you do to promote yourself/a business is at least somewhat worth it even if you capture one person's attention. That one person could be the biggest opinion leader!
Anyway, I understand though that "time is money" and people need an efficient way to measure their success by using a certain tool.

Happy almost-Winter! (snow, cold = my walk to school is sadness)
Saturday, November 1, 2008

I read the news article about James Buck being arrested and how the public became informed about his situation by his use of Twitter:
On his way to the police station, Buck took out his cell phone and sent a
message to his friends and contacts using the micro-blogging site Twitter.
Honestly, I'm really happy for James Buck but if I had texted my twitter with any sort of update on my status of well-being I doubt anyone who actually knew or cared about me would see it. It just seems like a one and a hundred chance that someone I care about would be constantly checking Twitter.
On the other hand, I can understand why people would want to use Twitter for their own personal benefits. As stated in 25 Twitter Tips for College Students, I would definitely use Twitter to send me to do list updates or to use "tweet what you eat" -- it sounds so fun!
I made a Twitter and so has my roommate...check ours out and maybe one day you can save me when I've been arrested in a foreign land.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
My Super Crew

I think it's really important to surround yourself with people who will empower you, will be loyal, and add a new perspective to your life. Unfortunately, finding these essential people is the hardest part.
I think the Hustler's point, in dealing with businesses, is that you're only as strong as your weakest link. Being able to delegate responsibility to everyone is very important because you don't want someone lagging behind...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
¡La RevoluciĆ³n!
Do you think you can really make a difference? Does what you say really even matter? Well, if you're reporting on Steve Jobs' health and supposed heart attack you could have Apple's stock drop 10 points almost instantneaously.
This new found era of expressing your ideas and informing the public on "news" is creating a catastrophe for the print publications (cosmogirl just went under!) but it is also creating a new outlet for people around the world to tell the public the "truth" without biases.
Last spring break I traveled around the UK and when I was in London I stopped by speaker's corner in Hyde Park.
Seriously, going back to literally standing on a soapbox preaching to people on the street.
From Thomas Paine's Common Sense to Current_TV and iReport, people have been informing others by word of mouth for decades. Now we are just able to see numerous points of view digitally and within minutes.
Actually, there was a guy standing outside of the Chinatown metro today SCREAMING about how Christians are the most ignorant and hateful people in the world. Only in America, yeah? You should have heard the people at speaker's corner...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Networking IRL

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Life in the Big Apple

You may be thinking, okay what's the point of you telling me this?
Well throughout my summer life either working or playing I came across both concepts that are discussed in Digital Domain and Conversational Marketing.
Zagat is one of my most trusted sidekicks while browsing the streets of NYC and I have always turned to them for advice on where to eat. I also check out Gayot.com.
UGC is applicabable to many many different things such as movies, books, etc. But I find myself always second guessing those critics because those preferences are always extremely personal. HOWEVER, with food, I feel that most of the time food critics are dead on when they give a restaurant a Zagat rating. Come on, anyone can tell the difference between good and bad food so it's handy that a professional is scoping out the place before you drop $50+.
In working in the city life, I did publicity for Vantage's new film American Teen. We relied HEAVILY on facebook advertising.

Not only did we have fan pages for each one of the "teens" but we also had a fan page for the movie, 2 applications, and events going out constantly for word of mouth screenings. We targeted the audiences by summer camps, location, age, etc. Facebook was there to help guide us along!
I can't even imagine any business who targets a youth audience nowadays NOT being on Facebook.
Did you know that movies rely so heavily on MySpace/Facebook? Have you ever used Zagat? I mean, have you ever worked in a place that focuses on these Web sites so heavily?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Quick Update!

Here's a fun link to designing your own shoes through PUMA!
AND a YouTube clip of Dwight, from The Office, in Second Life!
New. Chic. Innovation. CURRENT.
Think about this election...the first election to be powered and fuled by the digital generation. YouTube videos for campaign announcements, text messages sent out for VP endorsements...it's out of control -- yet, for someone like me a part of the digital generation, it seems so normal.
I know the difference between an "amateur" blogger and a harvard intellectual. I am aware that Wikipedia isn't always a reliable source of information. Growing up in this generation we are accustomed to seeing the difference between facts and someone just talking to talk.
Current TV, a new form of television where viewers can submit content, really emphasizes the difference between intellectual and hot-air. Even though I think this is an amazing concept, and I could see myself buying and tuning into Current (for fashion/travel tips from around the world!) I still think people should have good judgement about who they're actually listening to.
Being a part of this generation, it also intrigues me about what lies ahead. I am not afraid because I think that we are only progressing at the natural technological pace that we have now set for ourselves. Though I do think this could end terribly, there's no turning back now.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Brand Loyalty
It's really genius because having consumers contribute their ideas makes them feel a part of the company and will keep them coming back for more. Using this strategy even within your company with your own employees I'm sure is very beneficial as well. Giving people more responsibility allows them to invest more of themselves and their time into the product you want to produce. And along with themselves, they bring their social network of family, friends, etc. FANTASTIC!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Creative Collaboration

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Totally Unreal.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
"[Socialization] in a 'Pulsing Star' Pattern"
Thompson talks about how scientists are using "reality mining" (Reality Mining defines the collection of machine-sensed environmental data pertaining to human social behavior. -MIT Media Lab) in order to accurately deduce when/how people are going to gather their information and then bring it back to the table to discuss it with others.
Scientists track what you are doing via your cellphone and other technologies in order to predict when you are going to sit down and have a chat with another person...
They called this socialization method the "pulsing star pattern" because "[people] fan out to gather information, then regroup" (Thompson July 2008).
Anyway, besides the interesting scientific part of this article, it really just creeped me out even more. The fact that the government, scientists, and my peers can track what I am doing at any given moment because of the internet and this new technology is freaky.
One of my friends attended a conference about social networking and the future. She told me that this one think tank predicts that in the future there could be these special "glasses" that you could wear and any time you see a person, who also has these glasses, you can see all of their information surrounding them.
Imagine a facebook chart about the person pops up in your "glasses". In return, you could customize different phrases such as "I'm lonely say hi to me" or "practicing spanish, speak to me" so that if someone looked at you, they would know what you were thinking.
When she told me this...I was astounded that someone was trying to create this. How in the world is this remotely okay?
This brings me to the next article I read, Social Graph-iti. If people are going even further with this social networking techonolgy craze, I would analyze how many people now are getting sick of the facebook/myspace invasion. In this article there was this one paragraph that really stood out in my mind.
"But unlike other networks, social networks lose value once they go beyond a certain size. 'The value of a social network is defined not only by who's on it, but by who's excluded,' says Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley forecaster. "
Facebook, MySpace, etc. are having this problem and I know more and more of my friends are being turned off by it. Facebook was supposed to be a way to network with people from college and now it's open to anyone and their mothers.
All in all, it's crazy to think about the expansion of social networking and technology in our daily lives past just my computer screen. More so because people I know are livid with it already.
Can't we just revert back to mailing letters? What happened to face-to-face communication?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The First View from a Girl at AU
I have just started my social networking a business class at American University through the ITEC department. Professor Melander is very insightful in this field so I will certainly be learning a lot. So far it has been very interesting and I think everyone in the class will be very open with one another. We did a lot of ice breaker activities, which I love. I think I am the queen of ice breakers I have done them so much throughout the years.
Check back each week for an addition to my blog! We will be discussing different topic on social networking and I'd love to share my views with all of you.
Have a wonderful day!