The Leader: that would be me. I would totally be the leader of the group because I would be the one founding this business adventure. I would probably open my own events business or maybe run my own restaurant. The options are endless...

The Anchor: I need some girl power up in here so even though the anchor is supposed to be somebody who would question your ideas and maybe have you rethink what you are doing...I am going to go with the wisdom and wit of Joy Behar or the intelligence of Natalie Portman. I feel like both would add a great deal to this team.
Now this super crew may need some adjusting, but I think we will do just fine with our start up business. Plus, I will give everyone an office with a window so that we can all brainstorm separately. Because you know, if you brainstorm separately before coming together in one group you will think up many more ideas.
I think it's really important to surround yourself with people who will empower you, will be loyal, and add a new perspective to your life. Unfortunately, finding these essential people is the hardest part.
I think the Hustler's point, in dealing with businesses, is that you're only as strong as your weakest link. Being able to delegate responsibility to everyone is very important because you don't want someone lagging behind...
Who would your super crew be? Do you believe in the power of brainstorming? How would you control your crew? IRL or in the Virtual World?
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It's funny that you mention Dwight would be your team's the original UK television series, the Dwight character (named Gareth Keenan) served in the army and had similar characteristics to his American counterpart. Good stuff.
@ Kim
Hi Kim!
Great post, very funny even if I couldn't understand all the references you were making, but I'm sure this team would be fantastic.
In my post, I mentioned the crew from Ocean's Eleven, because it is like one of the most perfect team, even if there are more people than just the 4 mentioned in the blogpost we read.
I like the idea of brainstorming separately, but do you really think that this kind of team you built would be as good if it went virtual?
I don't think so... Virtual can work, but to my mind, real interaction is preferable, when possible.
Come and check my blog!
Very nice blog- it was well organized. I enjoyed that article as well on a mind of a hustler. You need to have a solid group with everyone playing their own roles in order to be successful. One person can start the idea, but cannot finish it without assistance.
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