Friday, September 19, 2008

New. Chic. Innovation. CURRENT.

Even the cynics like Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur:How Today’s Internet Is Killing Our Culture, have to face the facts that today techonology is consuming and taking over our lives.

Think about this election...the first election to be powered and fuled by the digital generation. YouTube videos for campaign announcements, text messages sent out for VP's out of control -- yet, for someone like me a part of the digital generation, it seems so normal.

I know the difference between an "amateur" blogger and a harvard intellectual. I am aware that Wikipedia isn't always a reliable source of information. Growing up in this generation we are accustomed to seeing the difference between facts and someone just talking to talk.

Current TV, a new form of television where viewers can submit content, really emphasizes the difference between intellectual and hot-air. Even though I think this is an amazing concept, and I could see myself buying and tuning into Current (for fashion/travel tips from around the world!) I still think people should have good judgement about who they're actually listening to.

Being a part of this generation, it also intrigues me about what lies ahead. I am not afraid because I think that we are only progressing at the natural technological pace that we have now set for ourselves. Though I do think this could end terribly, there's no turning back now.

1 comment:

Redgrape said...

I think you hit the nail on the head. These people who aren't from our generation see all these changes and consumption of the internet, see a few flaws, look at the "troubled youth" and say to themselves "Oh my god, we have to do something about this!" There are flaws in everything but people are now able to do things faster and more efficient than ever before. Quantity is greater than quality when you have 100's of choices.