Do you think you can really make a difference? Does what you say really even matter? Well, if you're reporting on Steve Jobs' health and supposed heart attack you could have Apple's stock drop 10 points almost instantneaously.
This new found era of expressing your ideas and informing the public on "news" is creating a catastrophe for the print publications (cosmogirl just went under!) but it is also creating a new outlet for people around the world to tell the public the "truth" without biases.
Last spring break I traveled around the UK and when I was in London I stopped by speaker's corner in Hyde Park.
Seriously, going back to literally standing on a soapbox preaching to people on the street.
From Thomas Paine's Common Sense to Current_TV and iReport, people have been informing others by word of mouth for decades. Now we are just able to see numerous points of view digitally and within minutes.
Actually, there was a guy standing outside of the Chinatown metro today SCREAMING about how Christians are the most ignorant and hateful people in the world. Only in America, yeah? You should have heard the people at speaker's corner...
I think it is interesting that a CNN iReport would have such wide-spanning consequences. Markets do react to information, but I don't understand why people would trust a report from some stranger on the Internet. As far as I know, there was no legitimate proof of the incident happening...
On a side note, I love Speaker's Corner. I lived a 15 minute's walk away from Hyde Park last fall...quite the experience
I agree with Alex. At first when I read that Steve Jobs article it didn't cross my mind that ireport shouldn't be taken too seriously. But I mean come on it obviously shouldn't be. People are on forums all over the place with inside information, but its only correct some of the time.
Man that speaker on a soap box is very old school. I once heard a women scream at the top of her lungs "THEY KILLED MY BABY" over and over again in the metro. The screaming about christians guy reminded me of that.
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