You may be thinking, okay what's the point of you telling me this?
Well throughout my summer life either working or playing I came across both concepts that are discussed in Digital Domain and Conversational Marketing.
Zagat is one of my most trusted sidekicks while browsing the streets of NYC and I have always turned to them for advice on where to eat. I also check out Gayot.com.
UGC is applicabable to many many different things such as movies, books, etc. But I find myself always second guessing those critics because those preferences are always extremely personal. HOWEVER, with food, I feel that most of the time food critics are dead on when they give a restaurant a Zagat rating. Come on, anyone can tell the difference between good and bad food so it's handy that a professional is scoping out the place before you drop $50+.
In working in the city life, I did publicity for Vantage's new film American Teen. We relied HEAVILY on facebook advertising.

Not only did we have fan pages for each one of the "teens" but we also had a fan page for the movie, 2 applications, and events going out constantly for word of mouth screenings. We targeted the audiences by summer camps, location, age, etc. Facebook was there to help guide us along!
I can't even imagine any business who targets a youth audience nowadays NOT being on Facebook.
Did you know that movies rely so heavily on MySpace/Facebook? Have you ever used Zagat? I mean, have you ever worked in a place that focuses on these Web sites so heavily?